Climate change and natural resource conflict in ECOWAS and ECCAS regions: implications for state security forces




Climate change, Conflicts, Natural resources, Sahel, Security


Climate change has emerged as the imminent threat to national security in many regions of the world. Nowhere is this reality more acute than in West and Central Africa where surging population growth, rising urbanisation, persistent environmental degradation, emergence of violent extremist organisations and weak state capacity have created a perfect storm of insecurity. It is against this backdrop that this article examines the nexus and dynamics of climate change and natural resource conflicts in ECOWAS and ECCAS regions, with a view to highlighting its security implications. This study notes that climate change contributes to increased conflict, but along indirect pathways. Across the two regions, climate change is experienced through rising temperatures, droughts and destructive floods, which greatly undermine people’s well-being and compound the fragility of states. This calls for the capacitation of state security forces through orientation and training that foster good understanding of the complex relationship between climate change, peace and security. The study concludes by offering strategic recommendations and policy directions to effectively tackle the climate change and natural resource conflict challenges in the contiguous regions.


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How to Cite

“Climate change and natural resource conflict in ECOWAS and ECCAS regions: implications for state security forces” (2023) African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 23(2), pp. 1–30. doi:10.17159/ajcr.v23i2.17636.