Building peace from the grassroots with informal peace infrastructures: experience from Ojoo Community, Ibadan, Nigeria




Building, Peace, Grassroots, Informal peace infrastructure, Nigeria


One of the greatest resources for promoting peacebuilding and sustaining peace in the long term is always rooted in people and their culture. Bearing this in mind is a major step towards addressing domestic violence, intimate partner violence, disputes over land ownership and challenges associated with weak social cohesion that plague Ibadan, Nigeria. This study explores the contributions of informal peace committees (IPCs) as informal peace infrastructures (IPIs) in responding to the menace and powering peacebuilding from below in the local setting of Ojoo, Ibadan, where the study was conducted. The qualitative study adopts participatory action research design. It uses purposive sampling techniques and sourced primary data from individual interviews, focus group discussions, observation and diarising. Twenty respondents were interviewed and three focus group discussions were conducted for the study with a view to collecting primary data. Although IPIs also have their own weaknesses, the study revealed that local peace infrastructures, such as IPCs are resourceful and effective in addressing multiple threats, including domestic and intimate partner violence, disputes over land ownership, weak social cohesion and building peace from below. 


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How to Cite

“Building peace from the grassroots with informal peace infrastructures: experience from Ojoo Community, Ibadan, Nigeria” (2023) African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 23(2), pp. 1–27. doi:10.17159/ajcr.v23i2.17637.