Perspectives on the 1972–1973 massacre and post-conflict reconstruction efforts in Burundi


  • Isidore Nsengiyumva George Mason University



How do we repair and reconcile a society broken multiple times by years of political violence and cyclic mass atrocity events? Reconciliation processes in post-conflict societies tend to favour state-led peace processes to aid individuals and communities alike to heal, make sense of the past while also imagining and forging an interdependent future together. The Burundi Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), established in 2014, has the mandate to investigate past crimes and mass violence events dating from 1885 to the 4 December 2008 ceasefire with the aim of aiding truth-telling, reconciliation and transitional justice. The paper comments on how the TRC shapes ongoing healing, reconciliation and transitional justice efforts in post-conflict Burundi. This paper uses desk-based research to draw insights from documented works and reports of the TRC between 2018 and 2022. The TRC’s findings sparked multiple narratives and public discourse in the Senate which further led to the re-examination of the 1972‒1973 massacre, the legacy of colonisation and its impact in cementing ethnic divisions that led to cyclic mass violence in Burundi.

Author Biography

  • Isidore Nsengiyumva, George Mason University

    Isidore Nsengiyumva is an Independent Researcher of mass atrocity prevention, transitional justice, post-conflict reconstruction, and state fragility. 


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How to Cite

“Perspectives on the 1972–1973 massacre and post-conflict reconstruction efforts in Burundi ” (2024) African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 24(1). doi:10.17159/ajcr.v24i1.17903.