Evaluating Alternative Dispute Resolution in Resolving Land Conflicts in Ifakara, Tanzania





Inter-village land disputes, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), mediation, Ifakara Town Council, Tanzania, Dispute resolution mechanisms


Inter-village land disputes confronted by the Ifakara Town Council – a local governing authority in Tanzania – arise from socio-economic complexities, poor boundary demarcation, and weak institutional frameworks, making litigation ineffective. Despite the prevalence of these conflicts, there is limited understanding of how Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms, particularly mediation, can address such issues in rural Tanzania. This study evaluates the applicability and effectiveness of ADR, with a focus on mediation, in resolving these disputes. Given the limitations of litigation, culturally appropriate ADR methods are essential for achieving sustainable conflict resolution. This research used a mixed-methods approach, collecting qualitative and quantitative data through interviews, document reviews, and questionnaires from stakeholders in four villages. The findings show that while ADR, especially mediation, is valued for its flexibility and cultural relevance, its effectiveness is limited by challenges such as poor boundary demarcation, bureaucratic delays, weak institutional capacity, and resistance from disputing parties. The study concludes that to enhance ADR effectiveness, structural issues like boundary demarcation and institutional weaknesses must be addressed.

Author Biographies

  • Theresia Nicholaus Kamoleka, Ardhi University

    Theresia Nikolaus Kamoleka is a 2024 graduate of Archie University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation

  • Prof. Charles A. Lucian, Ardhi University

    Charles A. Lucian is a Professor at Ardhi University in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, with over 35 years of experience in teaching and research. He holds a PhD in Soil and Rock Mechanics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden and specialises in geotechnical engineering, construction technology and real estate.


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How to Cite

Kamoleka, T.N. and Lucian, C.A. (2025) “Evaluating Alternative Dispute Resolution in Resolving Land Conflicts in Ifakara, Tanzania”, African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 24(2). doi:10.17159/w35hqg31.